The Vacant Lot
darkroom prints, PhotoRag, the vacant lots
This project wants to save the memory of a certain lifestyle and its people where provisional becomes definite, destroying the natural condition of the environment to lately amplify the growth of the city.
This work reflects the author’s inquisitiveness around the fine line between rural and urban. In the same way as he observes the daily use the inhabitants in urban environments make within these limits. Generic areas, lacking narcissism, occupied both by men and nature. In which time and things that have occurred happen to just appear for no reason. It wants to save the memory of a certain lifestyle and its people where provisional becomes definite, destroying the natural condition of the environment to lately amplify the growth of the city. People starts becoming a stranger in claimed spaces that use to invite him to walk and dissappear favouring prepared, uniform planned spaces that can only be traversed over cement. These vacant lots with no allocated function and which appear abandoned, allow now free action by its inhabitants who use it as a space for freedom, distraction and contemplation of the ephemeral.
2014 - 2016
BIPA 2015
Fineart Igualada
Fundació Forvm

Pre - Mediterranean Olympic Games 2018 Tarragona.

People used it to hunt small birds illegally.

Escuela del Barrio de la Esperanza.